Termit Kaynak Sarf Malzemeleri

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  • Termit Tozu

  • Termit Kaynak Tozu

Termit Tozu/Termit Kaynak Tozu

Termik kaynak malzemeleridir. Yapılacak kaynak tipi için doğru miktarda Thermite Kaynak Tozu içeren hazırlanmış bir paket. Termit tozu, genellikle metal tozu ve metal oksitten oluşan piroteknik bir bileşimdir. Termit kaynak tozu genellikle patlayıcı değildir, ancak çok küçük bir alanda kısa bir süre için aşırı yüksek sıcaklıklar oluşturur.

Herhangi bir miktarda Termit Tozu için fiyat listesi 12 saat içinde mevcuttur!

buthermite reactionis a reaction in which aluminum metal is oxidized by an oxide of another metal (the most common is iron oxide).Most importantly, this process produces molecular joints, not just mechanical joints between conductors. It is produced by an initial reactant, which provides enough energy to activate the welding reaction. This is done quickly and safely in thesand mould. Depending on the components to be welded and the type of joints required, the Sand Mould is specifically designed for a certain joint.

CRS has professionals to provide you with a free quote and we respond via email, so let us know your email!


Thermite powder / Thermite welding powder

Thermite powderis a pyrotechnic composition usually consisting of metal powder and a metal oxide.Thermite welding powderis not usually explosive, but it does create extremely high temperatures in a very small area for a short period of time. For instance, aluminum/iron-oxide thermite temperatures are as high as 4500 degrees F.


Thermite Powder Specifications

Thermite part  
C (0.5-0.75)
Si (< 1.2)
Mn (0.5-1.4)
S (< 0.035)
P (< 0.03)
Fiziki ozellikleri pudra
Package Bag and drum
Ağırlık 12kg

To order Thermite Powder, please submit your email, and there will be professionals to communicate with you within 12 hours!


Thermit Welding Video


Thermite Welding Powder Chemical Properties

Kimyasal doğa 98.00%
Eşanlamlı sözcük Thermite Welding Powder, Thermite Powder, Thermite Reaction, Gold Schmidt Reaction, Sodium, Thermite Welding Powder, Thermite, Thermite Welding, Copper Thermite, Cadwelding
Önlemler Main material are mixture of iron oxide powder, aluminum powder and steel alloy. It should be protected from water, moisture and broken.
Reactivity: *Fe2O3 + 2Al ==> 2Fe + Al2O3 + heat
The product is alumina, free element iron, and a lot of heat. The reactants are usually powdered and mixed with a binder to keep the material solid and prevent separation.
Other metal oxides, such as chromium oxide, can be used to generate elemental metals.
Copper thermite uses copper oxide to create electrical joints in a process called cadwelding: *3CuO + 2Al ==> 3Cu + Al2O3 + heat
Kimyasal ad Thermite reaction
Kimyasal formül: 1) Fe2O3 + 2Al ==> 2Fe + Al2O3 + heat
2) Aluminum + iron oxide (III) ==> iron + alumina 2Al(s) + Fe2O3(s) ==> Al2O3(s) + 2Fe(s).

For any questions about Thermite Powder, please submit your email address, and there will be professionals to communicate with you within 12 hours!


Railway thermal welding in progress


Thermite Welding Powder Typical Application

Thermite has many uses. Originally used for on-site repair welding of locomotive axle brackets, etc., it can be repaired without removing the parts from the installation position.
Thermite can also be used to quickly cut or weld metals such as railroad tracks without the need for complex or heavy equipment.
Currently, Thermite Powder is widely used in welding, metal cutting or drilling, on-site emergency metal repair, scientific demonstrations, high-temperature ignition, prohibited military equipment (including artillery, documents, and hard drives), and other applications.

Steel rail aluminum heat welding flux is mainly used in railroad line maintenance, line overhaul, and new line construction.
Use scenarios: such as railroads, subways, factories' lifting rails, elevated railroads, city rails, etc.


Characteristics of Thermite Powder

1. It has superior conductivity to the conductor itself.
2. Will not corrode, oxidize or degrade over time, and can resist galvanic coupling.
3. Able to withstand repeated discharges.
4. It will never increase its resistance.
5. It has greater mechanical and squeeze resistance than the conductor itself.


Thermite Powder

Thermite Welding Powder(Thermite Powder)


Thermite Quotes? Where can i buy thermite?

As a supplier specializing in providing solutions for aluminum heat welding, we will not hesitate to provide you with thermite quotes and delivery lead times if you need them.


Bizim avantajlarımız

1. tensile strength of welded joints is 5%~18% higher than peers
2. Welding quality testing meets railroad requirements.
3. Three-piece die sand type can meet the welding requirements of rail cross-section, weld width, and the use of special processes
4. Price is 8%~25% lower than peers.
5. Free training, humanized service.
6. Free samples


Main export countries

Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Korea, Russia, Turkey, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.

Thermite Powder/Thermite Welding Powder



Precautions for Using Thermite Powder

1. Don't try to ignite ThHavai fişekleri karışıma elle batırarak ermite Tozu. Bu karışım şiddetli bir şekilde yanacak ve yanacaktır ve üzerinize yanan metal püskürtecektir.

2. Thermite Powder'ın şiddetli tutuşması erimiş metali her yöne püskürtecektir. Karışım yanıyorsa veya yanıyorsa, ona yaklaşmayın.

3. Termiti havai fişeklerle ateşleyemezseniz, biraz magnezyum tozu veya magnezyum pullarını az miktarda Termit Tozu karışımına karıştırmayı deneyin. O zaman magnezyum karışımını tutuşturmak için pirotekniklerinizi kullanabilmeniz gerekir.

4. Termit Kaynak Tozu çok sıcak yanar ve arabanın motor bloğunda eritilebilen erimiş demir cürufu üretir! Yanan Termit Kaynak Tozu, erimiş demiri yanan yığından çok uzağa sıçratabilir. Mümkün olduğunca uzak tutun. Ve yakınlarda alev alabilecek hiçbir şey olmadığından emin olun. Davranışını ve erimiş metal cürufunu ne kadar uzağa fırlattığını anlayana kadar önce termit deneyine küçük bir miktarla başlayın.

5. Termit yangınını söndürmek için su kullanmayın. Yangını su ile söndürmeye çalışmayın, aksi takdirde cüruf oluşmasına neden olacak şiddetli bir buhar patlaması meydana gelebilir. Benzer şekilde, yangını söndürmek için herhangi bir ıslak malzeme kullanmayın.


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